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新聞圖片 台積電劉德音董事長接受CNN專訪 CNN Interview with TSMC Chairman Mark Liu 非常精彩且有高度的訪談,其中令小編印象深刻的是,主持人Zakaria問:到底什麼是台灣奇蹟? 劉德音董事長說,若要談奇蹟,他認為教育體系有非常明顯的變化;他在年輕時,只有10%的年輕人進入大學。但如今,80%的台灣年輕人都能受高等教育,「只要你願意付出時間學習」。政府設立許多大學院校,教育品質逐步提升,也奠定了台灣面對未來國際趨勢的基礎。 董事長也說,台積電是複雜龐大的組織,從原料、化學產品、設備零件、工程軟體與檢測隨時需要與世界,如歐洲、日本、美國溝通合作。台積電把半導體技術看成一門科學,但也是生意,不光只是組裝零件而已,這一切歸功與其他的夥伴合作。即使是疫情期間,工程師們使用擴增實境(AR)與遠在荷蘭和加州的工程師合作,共同推動最先進的半導體技術。 #台積電 #護國神山 #cnn #半導體 #semiconductor Transcript Fareed Zakaria: From your perspective, what explains the Taiwan miracle? This is now a place that has grown at 5% a year for five decades. There are very few places in the world that have managed that. What explains the Taiwan miracle? Mark Liu: But if you talk about the miracles, I also think there's one thing that is very distinctly different, is the education system. When I was young, only 10% of the young people entered college or universities. Today, 80% of the young people have college or university degrees. The government set up many colleges, universities. And every kid, if you want to go to university, you can go, and just so long as you spend time. So that has created a relatively good quality of population in Taiwan, posing for any change ahead. That's why I think that's very, very special.

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