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【ICRT: News in the Know】NFT 非同質化代幣


新聞圖片 NFT成為元宇宙時代最潮、最熱門的收藏品! 到底NFT是什麼?為什麼一幅畫可以賣這麼貴? 本週請到ICRT幽默的新聞主播Trevor 剉冰用90秒介紹NFT的概念 Do you have same questions? What is NFT and why they’re suddenly worth millions? NFT stands for non-fungible token, and non-fungible basically means that it is non-interchangeable. In the simplest terms, NFTs transform digital works of art and other collectibles into one-of-a-kind, verifiable assets that are easy to trade on the blockchain. Let’s learn with Trevor in this week Word to Know 1. NFT非同質化代幣, Non-fungible Token 2. fungible可取代的: Something is interchangeable, replaceable. https://www.instagram.com/p/CfBhJ3LDxaN/ 編:買了不知道能幹嘛的NFT,還可能被割韭菜? #icrt #nft #blockchain #元宇宙 #非同質化代幣

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