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【ICRT: News in the Know】Inflation 通膨


新聞圖片 上禮拜美國公布5月消費者物價指數(CPI)創40年新高8.6%!美國的通貨膨脹問題已經到有點難以想像的地步 這集News in the know讓我們跟著Nacy用90秒來了解「通膨」是什麼吧! Inflation is a major concern for many people and there are many factors behind rising prices. Here’s a simple explanation what is inflation. Let’s learn with Nancy! https://www.instagram.com/tv/CegBL7QjwP4/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Word to Know 1. Consumer Price Index, CPI消費者物價指數 2. Inflation 通膨、通貨膨張 3. Demand需求: the amount of people who want to buy something. D編:沒事沒事~~~感謝上天讓我有這個機會斷食減肥 #icrt #NewsintgeKnow #CPI #通膨 雙語資料庫學習資源網 V不斷更新實用的英語資源 V內含影片、文章、廣播等多元內容 V持續關注,讓英語學習不漏接

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