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【Must Eat in Taiwan】台灣美食特輯蚵仔煎


新聞圖片 【現今為各大夜市必登場的角色-蚵仔煎】 在穠纖合度的勾芡,搭著蔬菜的脆爽及雞蛋的醇厚, 蚵仔特有的海味甘鮮在Q彈的麵糊中,更為突出。 吃一口,滿嘴充盈著鮮甜及蛋焦香,有滋有味。 而這些種種的味蕾記憶,都是台灣人特有的飲食文化印記。 【Food Specialty in Taiwan: #OysterOmelet 】 Oyster omelet is a traditional dish that you will easily discover in Taiwan's night markets. It's made with the well-blending starch paste and the fillings of crunchy vegetables and soft eggs, which makes the fresh and juicy sweetness of oysters particularly stand out. Just one bite, the freshness of seafood with caramelized egg will tickle your taste buds. This impressive taste is really one of the classics of Taiwanese food culture.

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