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新聞圖片 台灣特有種──台灣深山鍬形蟲 被稱為鐵甲武士—台灣深山鍬形蟲,可以在中低海拔的山區找到,那裏牠們可以找到充沛的食物。這些看起來兇惡的昆蟲其實是名符其實的草食男,殼斗科植物的樹液,才是牠的最愛!但當其他昆蟲爭奪食物、領域與配偶食,牠們會使用恫嚇的上顎,奮力決鬥! The Small Big: Taiwanese Stag Beetle Known as the “beetle of steel,” the Taiwanese stag beetle can be found in low-to-medium-altitude mountains, where they can find an endless supply of food. These scary-looking insects are herbivores whose favorite food is tree sap. But when other insects are competing for food, territory, or mates, they will use their menacing mandibles in a fight.

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