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疾管家「Taiwan V-Watch」COVID-19疫苗接種健康回報系統上線


新聞圖片 疫情資訊報報 「疾管家」新建立之COVID-19疫苗接種後健康回報系統「Taiwan V -Watch」上線囉!! 指揮中心指出,民眾接種Covid-19疫苗後,可透過疾管家進行資料填寫及註冊,透過簡單的問卷進行健康追蹤,系統會依據民眾的回報情形,提供關懷或就醫建議。 Disease Control Butler's Taiwan V-Watch System is officially available for the public to report health status after COVID-19 vaccination. Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control (CDC) launched a system called "V-Watch," which can be accessed through its Line account. This V-Watch system allows people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine to regularly report their health status to the CDC. Furthermore, the public could get advice from the system based on their reports.

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