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Are you a seafood lover? Some vocabularies might be handy for you.


新聞圖片 跟外國朋友吃海鮮時,總是詞窮只會說 fish 或 shrimp 嗎? 來來來,歡迎參考下列資訊! 行政部農委會漁業署,彙整了相關單字, 從牡蠣、章魚、龍蝦、秋刀魚...等各式漁產都有。 When you are hanging out with foreign friends at the seafood restaurant, are you merely familiar with ''fish'' and ''shrimp'' from the menu? Don't worry, let's refer to the following information. The Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, (Taiwan, ROC) provides 15 vocabularies about fisheries. 精選15個詞彙: 01. 文蛤 Hard clam 02. 牡蠣 Oyster 03. 海參 Sea cucumber 04. 海膽 Sea urchin 05. 烏賊 Cuttlefish 06. 章魚 Octopus 07. 龍蝦 Lobster 08. 草蝦 Grass shrimp 09. 飛魚 Flying fish 10. 鮪魚 Tuna 11. 鯖魚 Mackerel 12. 鰻魚 Eel 13. 白帶魚 Hairtail 14. 虱目魚 Milkfish 15. 秋刀魚 Pacific Saury

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