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Taiwan Old Street: Shenkeng Old Street


新聞圖片 作為古人台北至宜蘭的茶葉、染料等商品之集散地,深坑與台北市隔著恰如其分之距離。如今雖榮景不再,惟水清河晏,取而代之的是陣陣豆香,深坑儼然成為豆腐之代名詞。漫步於"亭仔腳"的立面街屋,細細感受先人篳路藍縷之精神,不論是豆香還是情懷,皆能讓人流連忘返。 Shenkeng used to be an important distribution center for teas, dyes and other commodities in northern Taiwan. Over the decades, Shenkeng’s once thriving trade has diminished, and it was replaced by the smell of soy. Shenkeng is now known for its stinky tofu and has become a synonym of tofu. A stroll along Shenkeng’s nostalgic arcade "亭仔跤 (ting-a-kha)" is like a stroll into the past. Enjoy the nostalgia and soy fragrance of Shenkeng’s Old Street for an unforgettable trip.

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