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Let's learn English online!


新聞圖片 數位學雙語,聽說讀寫好鮮活、好有趣! 疫情期間停課不停學,同時也加速了教育的數位化, 為使學習不間斷,師生及家長調整學習模式, 運用如均一平台教育基金會 、學習吧LearnMode及Cool English等平台, 提供多元化的數位教材,幫助孩子們突破時地限制自主學習。 其中,在2030雙語國家政策的推動下,將運用數位工具,為孩子打造不受時空限制的英語學習環境! 藉由多媒體資源的輔助,英語學習也跳脫了過往記文法、背單字的學習框架 以遊戲與學習合而為一 的情境及教學氛圍,幫助學子輕鬆學習! 而未來國內雙語教育的推動,也將逐步朝向結合教材內容與生活經驗, 幫助孩子擁有更多體驗式學習機會,也培養出自主運用雙語的習慣! Schools were closed down when the pandemic prevention efforts were raised to level 3 on May 19th. Within two short weeks, teachers, students, and parents transitioned from in-class instruction to digital online learning. The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed changed our traditional concept of learning, and this is exactly the right time for us to explore more interesting and effective digital learning resources worldwide.

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