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Taiwan Food Special: Minced Pork Rice (Stewed Pork Rice)


新聞圖片 層次分明的五花肉,切成細丁狀,經過川燙、爆香、燉煮,在醬油、水及時間的浸潤下,細肉丁最終黝黑油亮,肉香四溢。澆淋在氤氳稻香的晶瑩米飯上,黑白無間的搭配,這是專屬臺灣每個人的味覺印記-魯肉飯,樸實無華卻充足飽滿,正如台灣人性情般內斂,醇厚。 Cut pork belly into cubes, then blanche sautée and stew, and the diced meat will become dark yet shiny and with a mouthwatering smell. Add the cooked meat to a bowl with soft, white rice and you have a perfect match of pork stew with rice. It is a simple and satisfying dish, and just like Taiwanese people, it is humble and warm.

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