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Register as a member of National Central Library (NCL) to learn English!

新聞圖片 為提供民眾多元自學管道,國家圖書館在教育部經費挹注下,購置「空中英語教室影音典藏學習系統」資料庫,內容包含「大家說英語」、「空中英語教室」等主題課程,同時也積極蒐集中西文各類型免費電子資源網站,期能帶動全民學習英語的風氣 ! 此外,響應2030雙語國家政策,教育部將自2021年起,規劃補助各地方政府所轄公共圖書館推動多元英語學習方案,讓公共圖書館成為民眾英語學習場域,透過實用性英語學習課程、閱讀英語繪本、英語說故事等互動方式,提升國人的英語能力! 快來註冊國家圖書館會員,防疫期間~在家也能持續精進英語喔! With funding from the Ministry of Education,the National Central Library has purchased the Studio Classroom English Learning Database for readers to use. The database includes English courses from Let's Talk in English, Studio Classroom and other 9 themed channels. In addition, to coordinate with the Bilingual Nation policy,the Ministry of Education will subsidize public libraries to promote multiple English learning programs starting from 2021, hoping to encourage the public to enhance their English skills. Hurry to sign up as a member of the NCL! During the epidemic prevention period, you can continue to improve your English at home.

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