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Bilingual Nation 2030-MOST



臺灣是「科技之島」 科技產業在全球疫情之下仍然有亮眼的表現 負責推動科學技術發展的科技部又是如何雙語化,與國際接軌呢?    1.完善科學園區雙語服務 科技部所屬三大科學園區積極協助廠商打進國際市場,都已提供中、英文諮詢服務,包含電話總機、客服、標示牌及電話轉接等,還有雙語導覽服務,讓國外廠商來臺合作更加順暢!    2.以雙語新聞稿向國際宣傳 科技部定期將臺灣科研及產學合作成果、國際科研合作鏈結、臺灣科技新創動態以雙語新聞稿提供給國際媒體,擴大國際宣傳效益。    3.持續提升實驗中學雙語化 科學園區實驗中學除了增加外師主題式英語ESL課程,還推動國際教育交流,建置視訊設備,讓學生與英語系國家及外國夥伴學校進行線上交流,增加學生以英語溝通的機會;並邀請雙語部外籍教師擔任英語面試委員,協助學生精進英語運用能力。    4.強化疫情時期之國際合作 因疫情關係,許多國際間參訪計畫紛紛取消,科學園區管理局透過郵件、視訊等方式維持國際合作交流; 更透過線上協助廠商拓銷,替防疫相關的產品及解決方案進行國際宣傳。 Taiwan is known for its high-tech products. And the Ministry of Science and Technology needs to be bilingual to connect with the rest of the world!    1.Comprehensive Science Park Bilingual Information Services Taiwan’s three science parks are instrumental in helping manufacturers break into the international market. They each provide bilingual consultation services, including telephone operators, customer service, signage, and more, making international cooperation easier.    2.Bilingual International Press Releases The MOST regularly provides English press releases to international media on technological research, industry-academic cooperation, international R&D cooperation, and Taiwan’s technological innovations.    3.Bilingual Experimental Schools Experimental schools in the science parks not only have foreign-taught ESL classes, but also hold international exchanges to let students learn English from foreign partner schools through video conferences, giving students more opportunities to communicate in English. Foreign teachers are also invited to hold student job interviews in English to give them the chance to improve their English abilities. 4.International Cooperation During Pandemic Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many international visits had to be canceled. The science parks continued exchanges with international partners through mail or teleconferencing to maintain relations. It has also helped its manufacturers expand their international sales, especially of disease-prevention products and solutions.

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