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2020/10/05-09:49:27 KingSimba


新聞圖片 最近雙語編發現一個好實用的APP! 環保署推出的「環境即時通」除了可以查詢到空氣品質數據外, 因應「全民綠生活運動」鼓勵民眾落實綠色消費, 還提供了綠生活地圖服務,可以快速搜尋距離最近的飲水機,連公廁站點都有! 以後炎炎夏日帶環保杯出門,就不會找不到地方裝水了!! 這麼貼心的APP還有雙語介面,真是太佛心了~~ 與時俱進的環保署在雙語化的路上也有許多亮點呢! 1.資源回收網提供英文版訊息 臺灣的資源回收是世界級的模範生!為了向國際展示臺灣資源回收制度和成效,英文版官網提供中、英文對照的「回收綠報報」專題資訊,讓世界看見我們的環保實力 2.環保相關網站雙語化 把土壤及地下水整治、毒物及化學物質局等網站雙語化,讓外國朋友也能了解我們為環境所做的努力 3.宣導環保業務推動成果 將河川水質、空氣污染防制、垃圾減量等成果,以雙語影片和文宣呈現,向國際分享我們推動環保措施的豐富經驗 4.強化同仁英語力 開辦在職英語課程,並模擬國際會議或研討會進行英語簡報訓練,和駐台外館一同淨灘,提升同仁英語溝通能力 雙語編碎碎念 雖然今年臺灣有如金鐘罩護體,颱風紛紛繞道而行 但全球的極端氣候還是持續上演著 別忘了 你我都可以為環境做出一點點改變 一起讓地球永續    ───    We’ve discovered a useful app for you! The EPA’s “Environment Info Push” app not only lets you look up air quality data, it also provides maps of green living spaces! You can use it to find the closest water fountain or public restroom! Bring a reusable cup with you next time you go out and you’ll be able to fill it up wherever you go! Best of all, the app is bilingual! 1.English Resource Recycling Information Taiwan’s recycling system is one of the best in the world! The official recycling website offers both Chinese and English versions to let the whole world see Taiwan’s achievements in this field! 2.Bilingual Environmental Protection Websites The websites for the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Funds, the Toxic and Chemicals Bureau, and others are now bilingual so people from other countries can better understand Taiwan’s environmental protection efforts. 3.Promotion of Environmental Protection Results Taiwan’s results in river water quality, air pollution control, and garbage reduction are being promoted with bilingual videos and presentations, sharing Taiwan’s experiences with the rest of the world. 4.Improving Workers’ English Capabilities The EPA offers its workers professional English courses and simulated international conferences or seminars for English presentation training. They even take part in beach cleanups with foreign representatives to Taiwan, all to increase their English communication abilities. Taiwan managed to avoid any typhoons this summer, but extreme weather is still a concern all around the world. Don’t forget that everyone has a part to play in keeping the planet safe and healthy!

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