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Bilingual Nation 2030-Ministry of Justice


新聞圖片 今天雙語編要來揭開法務部的神秘面紗, 負責掌管全國檢察、矯正、司法保護、政風的法務部, 雖然感覺跟你我的日常生活有些遙遠, 但對在臺外國人或外商來說,法務部的雙語化超~重~要~‼️ 來看看他們做了什麼改變吧! 1.拍攝宣導影片供外籍人士參考 製作雙語版本的宣導影片和文宣,讓外國人了解開庭的權利以及注意事項! 2.檢察書類附權益告知譯文 為了保障外籍當事人的訴訟權益,法務部要把權益告知書雙語化了! 讓外籍當事人也能立即了解自己的權利! 3.建置「主管法規共用系統」英文網站 法務部為了促進政府資源共享,並配合雙語國家政策,將統籌開發「主管法規共用系統」,供行政院各部會與各縣市政府已領用之機關,可以在明年逐步完成英文版法規網站建置,讓外籍朋友查詢法規更便利! 雙語編碎碎念 感謝法務部辣麼用心,讓臺灣的人權保障與國際接軌! Laws and justice apply to everyone equally, which means everyone needs to be able to understand the laws. The Ministry of Justice is doing its part in the Bilingual Nation 2030 program, making sure as much of its materials is available in English as possible! 1.Reference Videos for Foreigners The MOJ has created bilingual videos to let foreigners know about judicial procedures and their rights. 2.Bilingual Notices of Intended Prosecution The MOJ has created bilingual notices of intended prosecution so any foreigners who receive them can understand their rights as quickly as possible. 3.English Laws and Regulations Lookup Site The MOJ is creating an online system so everyone can look up law information in English. The system will be ready next year. Thanks to the MOJ’s efforts, everyone should have full access to information and resources, no matter whether they speak Chinese or English!

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