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Bilingual Nation 2030-Ministry of National Defense


新聞圖片 時代不同了,國軍弟兄除了要不斷強化軍事作戰的「硬實力」以外,國防部一直以來也努力落實將國防、教育與產業結合,培養軟硬兼施 的國防實力!    而在讓台灣成為雙語國家的行軍路 上,國防部也為此做了許多努力: 1.「莒光園地」節目製播「好想講英文」單元 國防部與「空中英語教室」合作,在「莒光園地」電視節目中播放「好想講英文」單元,透過輕鬆活潑方式提升官兵外語能力 2.委外民間經營場域提供雙語服務 空軍航空教育展示館及左營軍區故事館,提供雙語導覽服務與諮詢,吸引更多國外軍事迷 3.建置情境教室 於各軍事校院、兵科學校及部隊建置「多語情境教學」教室、聘請外語專業教師及教材,強化部隊語文訓練能量。 雙語編碎碎念 立正,敬禮!給這些文武雙全的國軍官兵們一個掌聲吧 The military needs to constantly upgrade and improve itself, and this includes its English capabilities! The Ministry of National Defense is doing its part for the Bilingual Nation 2030 Plan: 1.English Juguang Garden Segments: The MND has teamed up with Studio Classroom to include English segments in its Juguang Garden show, helping troops improve their English. 2.Bilingual Services at Affiliated Enterprises The Aviation Education Exhibition Hall and the Story House of Naval Base Zuoying provide bilingual guide services and information, attracting more foreign military aficionados. 3.Situational Teaching Classrooms Military schools and bases have set up Multi-lingual Situational Teaching classrooms, where professional foreign language teachers and material provide language training for troops. These give the troops greater capability and flexibility when carrying out their duties!

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