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Bilingual Nation 2030-Ministry of Labor


新聞圖片 你知道有越來越多的外國朋友來到臺灣,在這塊土地上奉獻揮灑自己的汗水嗎?      隨著人數的增加,對於勞工諮詢的雙語需求日益漸增, 為了幫助這群外國朋友維護自己的權益, 勞動部做出了以下改變:    1.雙語諮詢專線及線上服務 1955 勞工申訴專線除了提供中英的雙語服務外,越、泰、印尼語都嘛通;另外勞動部也規劃在今年提供退休金、資遣費及勞保給付試算英語版服務,讓外國朋友更能保障自己的權益;    2.證照及檢定考試的雙語化 為了邁向國際化的腳步,勞動部除了將技術士證(書)雙語化外,技能檢定部分職類也提供受理外籍移工申請母語輔助學科試題(印、英、越、泰語)的服務;    3.第一線服務櫃臺提供雙語諮詢服務 台灣就業通客服中心現可以中、英、台、客語提供各項諮詢服務,如就業、職訓、技檢及微型創業等相關資訊,外國朋友再也不用擔心中文不好怎麼辦。    勞動部為了讓外國朋友能放心度過美好的假期,不用煩惱工作上的權益問題,不斷推出便民的雙語服務,真的是非常努力! 讓我們一起把掌聲送給勞動部部    More and more foreigners are coming to Taiwan to work. This also means that the demand for bilingual information is also increasing. The Ministry of Labor is making the following changes to meet this need and protect foreign workers' rights: 1.Bilingual information and service hotline Aside from Mandarin and English, the MOL's 1955 labor complaint hotline also offers service in Vietnamese, Thai, and Indonesian. The MOL will also introduce English information on pensions, severance pay, labor insurance payments before the end of the year. 2.Making certification and technical examinations bilingual In addition to bilingual certifications, the MOL is providing parts of technical examinations in English, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Thai. 3.Bilingual service at front-line service desks The TaiwanJobs service center provides information on jobs, training, technical exams, and more in Mandarin, English, Taiwanese, and Hakka. The Ministry of Labor is making great strides in making life easier for foreign workers!

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