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Can’t Find Good English Learning Resources?


新聞圖片 別擔心,教育部國教署「酷英英語線上學習平臺」通通都幫你準備好了! 但, Cool English 究竟有什麼特別呢?    1.如果你是學生 除了聽說讀寫課程外,還有字彙、文法、遊戲專區,以及課本戰力提升包、大考增分區、學習扶助等超豐富的內容等你來探索    2.如果你是老師 除了是學生學英文的好夥伴之外,酷英也是老師授課的最佳利器! 實用的開班派課系統,讓老師指派作業之餘,也能確認學生的觀課情況及作答成績    免費的平臺卻有豐富多元的內容 酷英平臺內容不僅完全免費 還讓英文學習變得有趣又好玩,實用度100分    【你還在等什麼呢?】 看到這裡,小編已被酷英撩得心癢難耐 待會就要去註冊當大齡學生了 快到酷英挑戰一下,跟我一起增強英語力吧! 【Can’t Find Good English Learning Resources?】 Don’t worry! The MOE K-12 Education Administration’s Cool English web site has everything you need! What’s so special about Cool English? 1.ForStudents Aside from listening, speaking, writing, and reading courses, it also has special sections for vocabulary, grammar, and games, as well as textbook supplements, college entrance exam tips, study support and other great content waiting for you! 2.ForTeachers Cool English is a great tool for teachers as well as students! There’s a system for starting classes and planning lessons, letting teachers monitor their students and their grades, not just give out assignments! Free Platform, Plentiful Content Cool English is completely free! It makes learning English interesting and fun! What Are You Waiting For? Go to the Cool English site now and start learning!

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