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【魔法英語看世界】Magic English-Window on the World給你滿滿的英語會話時間


新聞圖片 再推薦大家一個優質的英語教學節目, 每週一17:20-18:00在國立教育廣播電臺播出的【魔法英語看世界】, 每個禮拜都會規劃不同主題,以中英雙語介紹國內外新知、探討文化差異以及分享生活趣聞, 記得一定要準時收聽喔, 讓主持人Lina & Joe為你帶來最實用、最容易上手的英語會話! We would like to recommend another great English learning program for you. Every Monday 17:20-18:00 on National Education Radio, Lina & Joe will introduce the latest knowledge at home and abroad, explore the differences of culture, and share interesting stories on different topics each week in 【Magic English-Window on the World】.

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