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Let's watch the epidemic prevention video shot by the BAPHIQ


新聞圖片 為防堵非洲豬瘟進入臺灣, 中央災害應變中心於春節期間加派300名人力進行邊境防疫, 旅客從過去3年有發生非洲豬瘟國家攜帶豬肉產品入境將被裁罰20萬元,第2次就開罰100萬元!! 趕快來複習一下農委會動植物防疫檢疫局拍攝的英文防疫短片吧! To block the African swine fever (ASF) virus from reaching Taiwan, the Central Emergency Operation Center has added 300 more staffs for conducting quarantine and border control. First-time offenders illegally importing meat products into Taiwan from areas affected by ASF within the past three years will be fined NTD 200,000, with the penalty increasing to NTD 1 million for repeat offenders. Let's watch the epidemic prevention video shot by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (BAPHIQ), Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.

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