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Focus Taiwan全新改版


新聞圖片 想跟外國朋友用英文聊臺灣時事或介紹臺灣嗎? 來來來!!快上全新改版的中央社英語新聞網站Focus Taiwan找話題吧, 這裡提供最即時的臺灣時事英語新聞, 流暢的閱讀動線, 是學習英語+掌握每日要聞的最佳利器唷! 趕快來去逛逛! Wanna chat with foreign friends about current news in Taiwan or introduce Taiwan to them? You can browse the newly-designed English website "Focus Taiwan" to find the most up-to-date Taiwan news in English. To learn English and catch up with the daily news, "Focus Taiwan" is always a great choice!

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