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雙語國家創意短片徵選活動「你要去哪裡? Where are you going?」頒獎典禮精彩連連

A Spectacular Award Ceremony for Bilingual Nation Campus Fun Video Contest “Where Are You Going?”


新聞圖片 為推動雙語國家政策,國發會繼雙語國家校園創意短片第一梯次徵選活動「Hello!臺灣美食」在全臺校園引發熱潮後,再以「你要去哪裡?」介紹臺灣景點為主題,推出第二梯次徵件活動;頒獎典禮於今(2)日下午舉行,國發會陳主任委員美伶親自出席頒獎典禮,頒發獎狀及獎金給得獎的同學們,並鼓勵及期許同學們持續加強英語力,以在各種場合中、英語可以流利轉換,亦期盼透過本次的活動,提升民眾對雙語政策的關注,讓大家能夠更認識雙語政策內容。 30組入圍影片部部精采 展現各地學子英語實力 第二梯次徵件活動反應熱烈,計有152件由大學、高中及國中小學生拍攝的參選作品參加。為鼓勵更多學生參與,國發會本次特地擴大入圍件數至30組。相較於上一梯次以高中為主,此次大學入圍5件、高中入圍8件、國中入圍10件、小學則是入圍7件;參賽主力落在國中小學,而參賽隊伍也來自全臺各縣市,其中以臺中市入圍9件最多,成為全臺第一,表現亮眼。 本次競賽同學們以絕佳的創意與英語實力,介紹的景點遍及全台,美好呈現台灣的好山好水與文化底蘊,內容趣味活潑。最終名次揭曉,由來自澎湖二度參賽的盧瑋澤同學,以雙語主播形式創意播報《澎湖必去秘境》成功獲得冠軍!擊敗備受矚目的最佳人氣獎得主-臺版迪士尼《阿拉丁遊台灣》。第二名則由來自桃園的吳艾樺以流利的英語介紹雲林四湖風光和好吃的蚵仔料理。 廣宣活動一波波 行銷「雙語國家」政策內涵 國發會為推廣雙語國家政策,今年舉辦一系列的英語推廣與政策宣傳活動,除了兩梯次的校園創意短片徵選,另有全臺多場城市英語力趣味評比活動以及英語情境體驗活動。此外,亦與ICRT合作製作每日兩分鐘雙語國家政策宣傳特別廣播節目,並進行知名人士英文學習經驗分享專訪節目;近期更舉辦「空降美聲」蒙面英語歌唱比賽等,內容豐富活潑,盼帶動全民開口說英語的風氣,期能提升國人的英文軟實力與國際競爭力,達成2030年打造臺灣成為雙語國家的目標。 雙語政策逐步落實 帶動民眾說英語風氣   為推動雙語國家政策,中央政府與地方政府全力執行各項措施,多數政府官網已雙語化、政府採購文件亦已雙語化;另,教育部更與ICRT合作,製作新奇有趣的話題,陪國中、小學生一起吃午餐學英語;金管會也規劃銀行設立雙語示範分行;經濟部提倡雙語店家、雙語菜單等服務。國發會也已建置可供民眾免費學習英語的雙語資料庫學習資源網(https://bilingual.ndc.gov.tw/),歡迎民眾多多利用,勇敢開口說英文。 The previous Bilingual Nation Campus Fun Video Contest, “Hello! Taiwan Foods”, became a sensation in campuses around Taiwan. To further promote the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy, the National Development Council launched a second round of video contest “Where are you going?”, introducing scenic spots of Taiwan. The award ceremony was held this afternoon on November 2nd. NDC Minister Mei-Ling Chen personally attended the award ceremony presenting certificates and prizes to the winners, and encouraging and enlightening students to continue to improve their English abilities so that they may fluently utilize their English and Chinese abilities. Minister Chen also anticipates that such an activity could further raise the awareness of the general public and that more and more people in Taiwan will know about the "Bilingual Nation 2030" policy. 30 nominated brilliant videos present students’ excellent English abilities Response to this 2nd-round of competition has been overwhelming, with a total of 152 pieces of works created by university, senior high, junior high, and elementary school students. In order to attract more students to participate, NDC has increased the nominees to 30 groups. Among which, 5 entries are from university students, 8 from senior high, 10 from junior high, and 7 from elementary schools. Most of the participants are junior high and elementary school students, compared to the previous round of mostly senior high school students. Furthermore, participants come from all cities and counties in Taiwan. There are 9 nominees from Taichung City, the most productive nomination city. It is a brilliant achievement. In this competition, students have demonstrated great creativity and excellent English abilities during the process. The attractions being introduced are throughout Taiwan and the contents are so fun, interesting, and lively, presenting various kinds of beautiful places and historical culture of Taiwan. Final results have thus been announced. The championship was given to “Must-visit places of Penghu” by Wei-Tse Lu from Penghu Makung Junior High School who has participated in the contest for the second time, beating the winner of the People’s Choice Award given to the Taiwanese Aladdin “Travel around Taiwan with Genie” this time. In the second place, Wu Aihua from Taoyuan introduces the beautiful scenery of Yunlin Sihu and the delicious local delicacy of oyster in fluent English. Various activities for promoting the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy NDC has been undertaking various promotion activities for the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy this year. Besides two rounds of campus fun video contests, there have been several English proficiency city rating activities and English situational experience events being held around Taiwan. In addition, NDC has also worked with ICRT to produce a series of 2-minute English broadcasting programs for promoting the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy, as well as conducting special interviews of celebrity for sharing their experiences in learning English. There is also a masked English singing contest “The Next Cover Artist”, which is still ongoing. These plentiful activities aim to motivate people to speak English, leading to a strengthened soft power and increased international competitiveness of the Taiwanese people, and to reach the goal of turning Taiwan into a bilingual nation by year 2030. Bilingual Nation policy is gradually implemented, and the people are encouraged to speak English. The central and local governments have been working in tandem in actively implementing relevant measures so as to promote the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy. For instance, most government official websites are now bilingual; bilingualized tender documents of government procurement; Ministry of Education working with ICRT to produce English broadcasting on fun and creative topics during lunchtime for junior high and elementary school students; bilingual demonstration bank branches are currently under planning by Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC); as well as Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) advocating for bilingual stores and bilingual menus, etc. Meanwhile, NDC has also established a free online database of English learning resources at https://bilingual.ndc.gov.tw/ for public use. The people are encouraged to speak English wherever and whenever they want to.

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