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你要去哪裡? 學生英語能力大對決

The 2nd Campus Fun Video Contest “Where Are You Going?”


新聞圖片 你要去哪裡? 學生英語能力大對決 台澎阿拉丁比拼遊台灣 影片30強誰奪冠 超過150組學生比英語口說創意 主播、卡通趣味梗無極限  繼上回「雙語國家Bilingual Nation校園創意短片徵選-台灣美食」活動在全台校園引發熱潮後,國發會為持續推廣雙語國家政策深入校園,再次以「你要去哪裡Where are you going?」為主題舉辦第二梯次活動,吸引了超過150組同學踴躍報名,足足比上次活動多出50多組,再度於校園形成話題。 入圍影片區域分佈 展現各地英語實力 在經過3位外師的專業評審後,主辦單位從152件作品中選出30組入圍影片,於10月15日公佈。從分佈區域來看,北部(北北基桃竹苗)有11件作品、中部(中彰投雲)有10件作品、南部(嘉南高屏)有4件作品、宜花東地區有1件作品,離島澎湖則有4件作品,可見過去一般認為外語資源可能比較豐富的地區,就名單來看並沒有明顯優勢,反倒是澎湖學生表現亮眼,入圍件數甚至比許多大都市為多,讓主辦單位對於澎湖學生的英語能力與影片製作水準感到非常驚艷,也讓民眾感受到雙語教育已經逐漸深入臺灣每座城市、鄉村、甚至離島,推廣成績斐然。 第二梯次「雙語國家Bilingual Nation校園創意短片徵選活動」的30組入圍名單,讓國人再次體會臺灣雙語教育遍地開花的景況,各地學生都可以用充滿創意且豐富的英語來介紹自己故鄉的景點。甚至有些學生還使用了目前最夯網路紅人及迪士尼的動畫梗,究竟最後5萬元的冠軍獎金會「獎落誰家?」,結果將於11月2日當天下午舉辦的校園創意短片徵選活動頒獎典禮為大家揭曉! 英語情境體驗學習 外師全台走透透 為推廣雙語國家政策深入各地,除了兩梯次校園創意短片徵選活動外,國發會的廣宣活動更是全台走透透,已有熱情民眾甚至成為鐵粉跟著活動走,在10月5日於花蓮壽豐立川漁場舉辦的「好山好水好英語」英語情境體驗活動中,有現場民眾和主辦單位表示,他們從8月24日辦理的嘉義場活動就一直跟到現在,非常喜愛活動現場的熱鬧氛圍與精心營造的英語情境;也有參加花蓮場活動的家長表示,希望花蓮多多舉辦這類免費學習英語的情境體驗活動,也認為政府用心推廣活用英語讓他們很感動。 有意提升英語能力並瞭解2030雙語國家政策的民眾,也可以到http://line.me/ti/p/@ylb1336g加line好友,並關注「雙語國家Bilingual Nation」臉書粉絲團,便可長期接收英語學習資源。另國發會已建置雙語資料庫學習資源網https://bilingual.ndc.gov.tw/ ,提供需要民眾免費的英語學習素材。 The 2nd Campus Fun Video Contest “Where Are You Going?” 30 videos outstand to win among over 150 teams of participating students presenting places to visit in Taiwan, showing their English fluency and limitless creativity. Even Aladdin cannot resist! The previous Bilingual Nation 2030 Campus Fun Video Contest—“Hello! Taiwan Food” has enjoyed a great hit and became a sensation in campuses around the island. To further promote the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy, the National Development Council (NDC) launched the 2nd round of contest “Where Are You Going?” to penetrate the policy promotion in campuses. The activity has attracted over 150 teams of participating students, which is more than over 50 teams than last time, becoming a hot topic among students once again. Nominated works show amazing English abilities regardless of geographic location After the assessment process by 3 professional foreign teachers, 30 nominated works were selected out of 152 submitted videos, with the results announced on October 15th. There were 11 videos from northern Taiwan (to the south of Miaoli), 10 from central Taiwan (south of Yunlin), 4 from southern Taiwan (south of Pingtung), 1 from eastern Taiwan, and 4 from Penghu. The regions which are generally considered as having more academic resources did not show any particular advantage. On the contrary, students from Penghu, an offshore island, amazed the event organizer with their English ability and outstanding level of video content; Penghu even had more nominated works than other big cities in Taiwan. This has proved to the general public that the bilingual education has gradually seeped into every city, village, and offshore island in Taiwan, and delivered a remarkable achievement. The top 30 nominated teams for 2nd round Campus Fun Video Contest made the general public realize how far Taiwan’s bilingual education has reached. Students can introduce tourist attractions of their hometown in creative ways with fluent English. Some students even used famous YouTubers or popular Disney characters as their punchline in the video. Who will take home the NTD50,000 prize? The result will be announced during the Campus Fun Video Contest Award Ceremony to be held on November 2nd. English situational experience events bring foreign teachers to locations around Taiwan To promote Bilingual Nation 2030 policy thoroughly in Taiwan, not only has NDC launched two rounds of campus fun video contests but also many other events around the island. These events have gained quite a lot of zealous fans. For instance, during the Hualien Li Chuan Aquafarm event on October 5th, the organizer was told that there were loyal fans who have been participating in these events starting from August 24th in Chiayi. They have enjoyed the atmosphere as well as the elaborately created English scenarios. Some of the parents participating in the Hualien event also commented that they hope there will be more free English situational experience events held in Hualien, and they also feel touched by the government’s efforts in promoting English learning. For those who wish to enhance their English ability and learn more about the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy, please feel free to follow us on LINE at http://line.me/ti/p/@ylb1336g, and also our Facebook page ”雙語國家Bilingual Nation” for access to online English learning resources. NDC has also established a bilingual learning database at https://bilingual.ndc.gov.tw/ to provide free English learning resources to the general public.

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