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English Situational Experience Event at Taichung, A Big Hit!


新聞圖片 感謝把拔馬麻葛格姐接底迪美眉熱情參與 延續之前桃園、台南、嘉義等等場次的成功經驗 由國發會主辦,雙語國家英語情境體驗 第四場「Master Chef在你家」圓滿大成功!!! 歡笑聲中我們學習了好多,超市購物常用英文 下次去買菜的時候,也不要忘記練習說說看喔~ #國發會#2030雙語國家 #雙語國家BilingualNation #英語情境體驗 #Masterchef在你家 Following the victories in Taoyuan,Tainan,and Chiayi Let’s giving a special shout-out to all the participants of the 4th English situational experience event "Take Home MasterChef" organized by NDC! We’ve had a lot of fun learning many useful English words. Remember to use them when you go supermarket shopping next time! #NDC #BilingualNation2030 #EnglishSituationalExperienceEvent #TakeHomeMasterChef

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