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Situational English teaching in schools makes Taiwan a step closer to bilingual nation.


新聞圖片 現在有越來越多學校開始用雙語上課啦! 小編一查才發現,除了台北市有學校用英文上體育、音樂、美勞與自然課, 花蓮宜昌國中有用英文上音樂課、基隆也有學校讓學生體驗雙語主播喔! 大家在情境中學習,自然而然的融入英文,感覺超有趣,讓我們看看同學們如何展現英語力 #雙語教育從小開始 #雙語大聲公 #2030雙語國家BilingualNation Nowadays, more and more schools are conducting bilingual teaching in the classrooms. Some schools in Taipei have employed English in teaching such subject matters as physical education, music, and natural science, whereas Yichang Junior High School of Hualien County has used English in music lessons and schools in Keelung City let their students enjoy the experience as a bilingual news anchors. The students can learn English in an immersive environment, which could naturally trigger students’ interest and potential in learning foreign language. #BilingualEducationStartingFromSmallKids #BilingualLoudspeaker #BilingualNation2030

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