3分鐘時事英語廣播 時尚臺灣:歷史演變與代表設計師亮相臺北時裝週
Taiwanese Fashion: The Evolution and the Showcasing of Iconic Designers at Taipei Fashion Week
2024/09/25 09:19:48 CEFR B1-B2 每周廣播

國發會與ICRT共同製播的時事英語廣播“The World in Brief”固定於每周三在雙語資源網更新,與大家一起聽時事學英文。
本周主題:時尚臺灣 Taiwanese Fashion
據文化部(Ministry of Culture)表示,臺灣最具代表性的顏色分別是『臺灣紅、臺灣青和臺灣金』(Joyous Red, Formosan Green, and Bountiful Gold)。而臺灣的時尚受到世界各地文化的影響,將不同民族的特色融合在一起,並深受喜愛。臺灣最早的衣服是原住民用樹皮和動物毛皮製成的,直到20世紀初,日式和西式西裝傳入臺灣,也因此開啟了臺灣裁縫的歷史。臺北時裝週將於9月27日開跑,聚集了像是Damur及王子欣(Claudia Wang)等臺灣設計師。想知道更多嗎?讓我們用3分鐘一起跟著主持人了解更多吧!
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Voice: You’re listening to the World in Brief …
Crowd: … On tour!
Jolene: ‘Dear ICRT, what are Taiwan’s most iconic colors?
Host: Jolene in Zhubei’s craving a countrywide color scheme! Let’s go!
Host: Here we are! We find ourselves in an old-fashioned, wood-paneled store. Multicolored fabrics surround us on all sides, and …
Expert: Good day, sir! Welcome to “Kaien & Co. Bespoke Tailoring,” purveyors of fine made-to-measure men’s suits since 1993. How can we help you today?
Host: “Kaien & Co.?” I think I’ve seen your name before. You’re based in Taipei!
Expert: Correct! Our store has always been here, in the Dadaocheng area. This is where the glorious history of tailored suits in Taiwan first began!
Host: In that case, I’d like a suit, please! You might have to help me though …
Expert: No problem. The world of men’s suits is nuanced and varied. They come in a huge range of shapes, colors, and styles. It can be quite daunting! That’s why I’m here. It’s my job to help you every step of the way.
Host: What a relief! Thank you.
Expert: Let’s start with the basics, shall we? As you can see, we have a wide range of fabrics, in lots of different patterns, materials, and colors.
Host: Oh! You’ve just reminded me! My friend wants to know what Taiwan’s most iconic colors are. Do you know?
Expert: Yes, I do! According to the Ministry of Culture, they’re “Joyous Red,” “Formosan Green,” and “Bountiful Gold.”
Host: I like those colors a lot. Could I get them on a suit?
Expert: Of course. That’s a classic color combination! You have a good eye.
Host: Thanks. I’m usually totally useless when it comes to this stuff!
Expert: Fashion is not easy. Trends are always changing.
Host: What’s Taiwanese fashion like?
Expert: That’s hard to say. Taiwan’s fashion scene has long been influenced by cultures from all over the world. Different nationalities have integrated well. Now their likes and dislikes have been absorbed and shared with the local people.
Host: But, you were talking about Taiwan’s tailoring history just a moment ago.
Expert: Its history is short but proud. These days Taiwan’s tailored suits are admired everywhere you go. But they didn’t arrive here until the early 20th century. People from Japan and the West made them popular here.
Host: What was everyone wearing before then?
Expert: Well, that all depends. How far back do you want to go? The earliest clothes were worn by some of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. They were mostly made of tree bark and animal fur. There were some variations. The Tsou people, for instance, would make their hats, shoes, and clothes out of leather.
Host: Are any of those ancient fashion trends reflected in the designs of today?
Expert: You can find out at the Taipei Fashion Week, starting on September 27th! It hosts lots of exciting Taiwanese talent, like Damur and Claudia Wang.
Host: It sounds fascinating! I’ll have to check it out.
Expert: OK, I think we’ve got all we need. We’ll be in touch when your suit is ready for collection, sir.
Host: Great! All I need now is a nice pair of shoes …
Expert: Keep it Taiwan-style! Get a pair of rubber blue-and-white slippers for your feet instead!
Host: Haha! Good idea! Thanks, see you soon!
crave (v.) 渴望
She never thought she would actually crave a designer dress until she fell in love with a beautifully joyous creation that she saw on the runway during Taipei Fashion Week.
have a good eye (idiom) 不錯的眼光;獨具慧眼
This young designer has a good eye for flattering, edgy cuts, and striking color combinations that make everything in his clothing line a delight to wear.
when it comes to (phrase) 當談到…時
He gets overwhelmed when it comes to choosing a new suit, so he buys the same old-fashioned style and the same boring color from the same store every time.
integrate (v.) 融入、(使)成為一體
When fashion trends are adopted from elsewhere, they may undergo some adaptations before they are fully integrated into the local fashion scene.
that all depends (phrase) 要看情況而定
I really want to buy this dress, but that all depends. I only buy clothes from brands that are committed to sustainability, so I have to look into this brand first before I decide.