3分鐘時事英語廣播 浪浪別哭:屏東保育類野生動物收容中心以及線上寵物領養
International Homeless Animals’ Day: Pingtung Rescue Center and Online Pet Adoption
2024/08/14 09:26:11 CEFR B1-B2 每周廣播
國發會與ICRT共同製播的時事英語廣播“The World in Brief”固定於每周三在雙語資源網更新,與大家一起聽時事學英文。
本周主題:浪浪別哭 International Homeless Animals’ Day
屏東保育類野生動物收容中心(Pingtung Rescue Center)已收容並救助超過5,000隻國內外動物,目前開放超過100種動物供遊客參觀,包含紅毛猩猩(orangutans)、鸚鵡(parrots)、熊(bears)等等。另一方面,每年8月的第三個星期六為國際流浪動物日(International Homeless Animals’ Day),喜歡寵物貓狗的人可於寵物登記管理資訊網(Pet Registration Information System)線上進行註冊領養,在預防非法行為的同時也能參加抽獎。想知道更多嗎?讓我們用3分鐘一起跟著主持人了解更多吧!
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Sandy: ‘Dear ICRT, where can I get a cute new cat for my wife and kids?’
Host: Sandy in Sanchong wants to find a furry feline friend for his family! Let’s help!
Host: We’re here! It feels like we’re in an adventure park or a playground. There are wooden platforms to climb on, and ropes to swing from, and wood chips to run and play on. This place is cool! Only, we’re in a cage. We can’t get out. What for, I wonder? *gasp!* Oh golly … That’s a big cat!
Expert: Hey! What do you think you’re doing? How did you get in there!?
Host: Help!
Expert: Hang on, I’m coming.
Host: Hurry!
Expert: OK, come this way. Move slowly …
Host: That’s the biggest cat I’ve ever seen …
Expert: He’s a liger. They’re the largest of all the cat species. They’ve been known to grow as big as a pony, and can weigh over half a ton!
Host: You have to tell me this right now? OK, I’m out! Thank you! You saved my life!
Expert: Not necessarily! Ligers are actually very gentle creatures.
Host: What is it? A liger?
Expert: Yes. Its dad was a lion. Its mom was a tiger. Put them together …
Host: … and you get a liger! That’s cute. They’re beautiful animals.
Expert: They are, and they’re very rare. You’ve just met the only liger in Taiwan.
Host: Are we still in Taiwan? I had no idea!
Expert: Yes, you’re at the Pingtung Rescue Center.
Host: I know this place! You shelter endangered species here.
Expert: That’s right. This Center has housed and assisted over 5,000 animals in total, both domestic and foreign. We’re currently open to around 100 species. Visitors can meet orangutans, parrots, bears, and lots more!
Host: Do you have any cats?
Expert: We have some big cats, like our liger friend over there.
Host: I need something a bit smaller. My friend in Sanchong wants a house cat.
Expert: We won’t be able to help you here, I’m afraid. But there are lots of places in Taiwan that can. Has your friend considered adopting before?
Host: You mean, adopting a cat?
Expert: Yes. There are plenty of beautiful cats and dogs in Taiwan waiting for adoption. Some of them were strays before, living on the streets, until they were rescued. Now all they need is a home, and someone to love them.
Host: That’s a wonderful idea. And International Homeless Animals’ Day is this week too. The timing is perfect! What’s the best way to adopt a pet in Taiwan?
Expert: Just visit a cat or dog café! They’ll give you lots of friendly advice.
Host: Thanks for the tip. Plus, I’ll get to hang with lots of cuddly cats and dogs!
Expert: Maybe you’ll adopt one too! If so, make sure to get it registered. It’s safer for the animals, and it helps to limit illegal breeding and smuggling. Pet owners just need to visit the Pet Registration Information System’s website. Register now, and you can enter a lucky draw. Previous winners have won iPads, Apple Watches, and LED projectors!
Host: I will! Thanks for saving my life, bye!
pony (n.) 小馬、矮種馬
Scotland’s Shetland ponies, small, gentle, but very strong horses with a springy walk, are perfect for young children to ride; they’re also a favorite at petting zoos and fairs.
house (v.) 給…房子住
Taiwan’s shelters can’t house or find homes for all strays, so programs that train them help: they can become educational support pets or working dogs, among other things.
stray (n.) 流浪寵物
Taiwan does not put strays in shelters to sleep after a certain period, so it’s important to adopt a stray instead of buying a pet from a pet shop or breeder.
(Put to sleep – idiom – to give [a sick or injured animal] drugs that will make it die without pain)
homeless (adj.) 無家可歸的
A cute homeless dog that had spent three years in a shelter in Taiwan was flown to Canada after a shelter there saw him on social media and offered to find him a home.
smuggling (n.) 走私
A few years ago, 154 costly cats were the victims of smuggling; since their origin was unknown, they had to be euthanized to protect Taiwan’s cats from infectious diseases.