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3分鐘時事英語廣播 求職與MBTI:從人格測驗中了解自己的性格與適合的職業

Job Hunting and MBTI: Understanding Your Personality and Suitable Careers Through Personality Test

2024/06/19 10:02:30 CEFR B1-B2 每周廣播


國發會與ICRT共同製播的時事英語廣播“The World in Brief”固定於每周三在雙語資源網更新,與大家一起聽時事學英文。

本周主題:求職與MBTI Job Hunting and MBTI

邁爾斯-布里格斯性格分類指標(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI)是一個將人們進行性格分析的人格測驗,使用者在回答一系列問題後,會獲得四個英文字母,並被分為十六種人格類型之一。其中,ENTP分別代表外向(Extrovert)、直覺(intuition)、思考(thinking)及感知(perceiving),綜合表示一個人個性外向,富有創造力,擅長同時處理多項任務。除了更了解自己的性格特質外,MBTI或許也可以成為選擇職業的一種工具。想知道更多嗎?讓我們用3分鐘一起跟著主持人了解更多吧!

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Voice: You’re listening to the World in Brief …

Crowd:On tour! 

Benny: Dear "ICRT", is my MBTI useful? Can it find me a job, or a girlfriend?

Host: Benny in Taibao is probing a popular personality test! Let’s help him out!

Host: We’ve arrived! Here we are, on a busy, pedestrianized street, surrounded by students and cyclists. Everyone’s clutching thick books to their chests, or Hey, look out!

Cyclist: Sorry!

Host: That was close! Folks here are in a hurry! Students everywhere are rushing through heavy doors into big, beautiful buildings, ready for their next lecture or seminar. I guess we’re on the grounds of some grand university.

Expert: Hi. Are you a student here?

Host: No, I’m not. Where are we?

Expert: Yonsei University, in Seoul.

Host: Seoul? We’re in Korea?

Expert: Yes. This is the Republic of Korea. Are you alright? You must be very confused. You don’t know which country you’re in!

Host: I’m OK. Actually, I’m on a mission. I need to learn all I can about MBTI …

Expert: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? The world-famous personality test?

Host: Yes, that’s it! Do you know it?

Expert: Of course! Everyone in Korea knows their MBTI. It’s very popular here.

Host: That’s lucky. I really don’t know anything about it.

Expert: It’s simple. Users answer a series of questions, and they’re sorted into one of sixteen personality types.

Host: How?

Expert: It gives you four letters. Those letters describe your personality.

Host: Can you give me an example?

Expert: Sure. When I did the test, my results were “E-N-T-P.” That’s ‘E’ for “extravert,” ‘N’ for “intuition,” ‘T’ for “thinking,” and ‘P’ for “perceiving.” Put together, it means I’m outgoing, creative, and great at multi-tasking.

Host: That’s a lot of insight from a simple test!

Expert: Right? That’s why it’s so popular. People like to understand themselves, it helps them to make healthier life choices.

Host: Do you think someone’s MBTI could help them find a job?

Expert: I think so. My test results encouraged me to look at lots of jobs I’d never considered before. Everything from landscape art to private investigating!

Host: Because you’re outgoing, creative, and a good multi-tasker … yes, that adds up! So, when choosing a career, knowing your MBTI can be very helpful.

Expert: Yes and no. Here, more and more companies have been asking candidates to reveal their MBTI test results. That’s angered some South Korean job hunters. They say it’s unfair to reduce their whole personality to just one of sixteen types. They argue it sets an unreasonable standard for them to reach.

Host: It sounds like MBTIs are great for widening people’s career options. But when it comes to actually hiring someone, they lack nuance. How about dating?

Expert: Me? No thanks, I’m taken!

Host: No! I mean, can MBTIs be used for dating?

Expert: Oh! No, I don’t think so. It’s better to let your individuality shine through!

Host: Good advice! Thanks for your help, bye!



clutch (v.) 緊握、緊抓

The candidate made a bad impression by rushing into the interview room late, clutching a coffee-soaked briefcase, but didn’t say his car had been rear-ended on the way there. 


indicator (n.) 指標、表明

The result of a self-reported personality type questionnaire may not be an accurate indicator of the test taker’s type if the person did not answer the questions honestly. 


intuition (n.) 直覺

People from places where there is a lot of shared cultural knowledge and non-verbal communication value intuition in many contexts.


insight (n.) 深刻見解

Personality tests are popular because people feel like the results offer insights that will help them know themselves better and enhance their lives in some way. 


individuality (n.) 個性、特質

Hiring is a gamble, but adding personality tests to the hiring process may make companies miss the individuality that makes a candidate great for a particular position.  

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