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【Current Political and Economic Conditions】Course 3: State-society Relations in China

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This course focuses on the current state-society relations in China, exploring the collective dissatisfaction and resistance in Chinese society, as well as the strategies employed by the Chinese government to cope with these challenges.

This course aims to help students understand the potential social challenges that authoritarian systems may face and the tactics that authoritarian regimes can employ to maintain social stability. In other words, while authoritarian systems may be vulnerable, they can also exhibit a certain degree of resilience. Through this course, students are expected to gain a preliminary understanding of the logic of authoritarian rule.


課程大綱 Course Outline

A. 開場導言 Introduction

B. 中國的社會抗爭 Social Protests in China

C. 中國政府的強制策略 Chinese government’s coercive strategy

D. 中國政府的收買策略 Chinese government’s co-optation strategy

E. 意識形態:民族主義 Ideology: nationalism

F. 個人化的威權主義 Personalistic authoritarianism

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